High blood pressure (also known as HYPERTENSION) is a silent condition where your blood pressure is higher than it should be.

It is very common.  It is estimated that 32% of U.S. adults have high blood pressure.

If left untreated, it can cause damage to your kidneys, heart, blood vessels and many other parts of your body.

Only you and your medical care team can determine the best blood pressure for you.  We suggest you discuss your blood pressure control with your doctor or P.A. at each visit.

**Click on the blue words for more information.**

This is a list  of what you can do to help control your blood pressure: (click on the blue words for more information)

We think you may be interested in the following websites for more information about high blood pressure.

Remember, you can discuss any questions you may have with your medical care team.

National Kidney Foundation, “Kidneys and Your Blood Pressure”

National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, patient guide

American Heart Association